Call for papers



Please submit your abstract using the form below.    

Abstracts should be between 300-450 words.

Deadline of abstract submission:February 28 2025

Abstracts will be solicited for (but not limited to) the following topical programs:

 1.Solid-state transformation 
 2.Advanced materials and their heat treatment
 3.Thermal-chemical treatment
 4. Technology and equipment of low pressure carburizing and high pressure gas quench
 5. Induction heat treatment
 6. Multi-field coupled heat treatment
 7. Quenchant, quenching and distortion control 
 8. Non-ferrous metals, Cu, Al, Mg ,Ti alloy, and etc
 9. Heat treatment and surface engineering for key parts and components industries
 10. Heat treatment and surface engineering in the nuclear power industry
 11. Heat treatment and surface engineering in energy industry
 12. Sensors and heat treatment equipment
 13. Information and intelligentize 
 14. High energy beam surface engineering and additive manufacturing
 15. New technologies for hard and superhard thin films
 16. High-energy pulse surface technology
 17. Conversion film
 18 .Functional surfaces and coatings
 19. Spray
 20. Surface integrity and anti-fatigue manufacturing
 21. Frictional and wear
 22. Modelling and simulation
 23. Remanufacturing
 24. Characterization and evaluation of residual stress
 25. Failure analysis

Submisson Form: Download


Papers should be submitted only if you wish to contribute to a special issue published by CHTS & IFHTSE.

The papers will be peer-reviewed after submission. Papers should be 6pages in length. A format will be sent to those who wish to submit a paper for the special issue.

Full Paper Template: Download

3、Copyright Transfer Form

*A copyright transfer form must be submitted for both the extended abstract and the paper.

30th IFHTSE World Congress Copyright Transfer Form: download


  Young Author Award


Tom Bell young author award.  This award honors the authors of a paper of exceptional merit presented at the congress, and covers the travel, accommodation and congress registration to the next IFHTSE congress.The award is only for authors up to the age of 35 who apply for the award during the abstract submission process.

The award is named in honour of the late Prof. Tom Bell, IFHTSE President 1983-1984 and 2000-2001.
To be eligible for the TBYAA, the author must
• be under 35 years of age on the first day of the Congress,
• register for the award when submitting the paper to the Congress,
• submit the full paper not later than a month before the event
• and present the paper in person at the Congress.

  30th IFHTSE World Congress young researchers scholarship

For outstanding young professionals and students, the 30th IFHTSE World Congress offers 20-30 of scholarships for oral presentations and 10 for poster presentations.


The scholarship is only for participants up to the age of 35 who apply during the abstract submission process. 

The winners will get both the certificate and a monetary prize.



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Registration Submission